Leeds Castle


On Thursday the 5th of May we hired a car and went to Leeds Castle. It took about an hour and ten minutes to get there. Once we got there, we went into the area where the castle and all the activities were. We had some lunch first. There were a couple of peacocks where we ate lunch. There was a male that was trying to get the females attention by showing her his tail. It was very beautiful. We fed the female some bread. It really liked it and was coming back for more.

After lunch we went to the maze. It was quite a long walk to the maze. Mum stopped walking about two thirds of the way there and just sat down to relax by the castle moat. We kept going to the maze. We had a great time in the maze. I think I was the best because I made it to the end first. I then had to help Tyler and Dad to the finish line. Then we went down to the grotto. It was pretty amazing with the rocks and the sound effects. After the grotto we went back above the ground and went in the maze again. Tyler made it first that time. I made it a tiny bit after Tyler without any help but I had to help Dad again. After the maze we went and got an ice-cream each.

We then went to try and find Mum. We found her lying on some grass with some new friends of hers. They were swans. One tried to eat my ice-cream. It also tried to eat Mum’s hair. After that we went into the actual castle. There was a children’s I Spy sheet. It had lots of things on that we had to try and find during the walk through the castle. We found all the things on the list. There was also a sheet of paper that had information that children could understand about each room in the castle. There were lots of rooms in the castle. My favourite was the Yellow Drawing Room.

Once we came out of the castle we went and had a look in the shop. Mum bought some pictures of the castle, Tyler bought some little metal figures of some soldiers and I bought some little metal figures of some famous kings and queens and people like that.  After we had looked around the castle and the gift shop we decided to go home. We caught a little bus that was like a train back to the exit. Then there was the long drive home.
We all had a great time at the castle. It was an amazing place.