Dubai to London

On Sunday the 1st of May we got a taxi to the airport and we caught an Emirates plane to England. Dad bought a new camera at the Dubai Airport. The camera has a screen that you can open and flip so that if you want to take a picture of yourself you can aim the camera at yourself and still be able to see yourself.  The first thing I (Tyler) did on the plane was play a game on the touch screen T.V. on the back of the seat in front of me. Then I watched Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, Part 1. We were on the plane for 7 ½ hours.

When we arrived in England/ Bryce, Beck and Beck’s Dad, Mark, picked us up from Gatwick Airport. We got on a shuttle bus, which was really a train. It took us to the car park where we got into the cars and went home to Beck’s parent’s house.
At the house we met Denise (Beck’s Mum) and Sadie there big dog. Sadie nipped me on the arm when I was playing with her. It stung for about 20 seconds. I had missed my big bro, Bryce, a lot so I was extremely glad to see him. Everyone was. We went to bed at 11:30 pm in English time which was about 2:30 am in Dubai. That meant that it was a very long was a very long day and I was really tired at the end.