Barbecue with New Family and Friends

On Monday the 2nd of May we were very tired so we had a sleep in. When Mum got up she took Sadie, Denise’s dog, for a walk. Well Mum took Sadie out for a walk but then Sadie brought Mum back home. A little later on Dad, Tyler and I went for a walk down to the beach. It was very windy.  On the way we walked down some lanes, crossed a road and a railway line. Then we found some ruins of a milling village that was over 150 years old. We thought about Uncle Darren and how much he would love to be digging bottles here. We had a great time exploring the ruins. Once we had passed the ruins we got to the beach. It was very different to the beaches in Australia. It was different because it had pebbles instead of sand. At the beach we skipped stones for a little while. We were also going down to the water and dodging the waves. Then we hurried home because Bryce and Beck would be there soon.

Once we got home Bryce and Beck took us to the church where they were getting married.  It was beautiful. There was also a graveyard. It was where Beck’s Pop got buried. Sadly we weren’t allowed to go into the church because it was only open on Saturdays and Wednesdays. We had a look at the beautiful Church first and then had a look at some of the gravestones. We found lots of people who got buried at too young an age. There were lots of children.

In the afternoon lots of Mark and Denise’s friends came around for a barbeque. Luckily for Tyler and I there were two other kids. Their names were Christian and Nina. Nina was older than Christian but they were both younger than Tyler and Me. While all of the adults were chatting Tyler, Nina and I went up to play a different kind of game of scrabble. We played it quite weirdly because we were allowed to put our words up and back the front and because we were scoring to see who could get the most letters. Christian didn’t play because he was too shy. After our game of scrabble we went and had lunch. It was very yummy. After lunch we played some games outside with some balls and just relaxed. Then we had an ice-cream each. When we had finished our ice-creams we gave each other massages in the Summer House. The Summer House is like a big open cubby house.
We all had great fun. Tyler and I were really lucky that Christian and Nina came to the barbeque.